The next period of increased activity will be April 1st thru th 11th, thereafter it will begin to decrease until the May cycle.

If you need individualized personal help,
You are in the right place!

If you are one of the thousands who are experiencing the terror of living with paranormal phenomena or want to contact a loved one on the other side and need help, you have come to the right place.

I have been "sensitive" since I was a child.   My earliest recall of this ability was at age 6. Over the years I have helped literally hundreds of people to contact loved ones and performed many 'spirit release' sessions.   Additionally I am an experienced Paranormal Investigator, paying [articular attention to scientific methods of investigation and record keeping.  I would like to mention here that my degree is in Science.

It might help you to know that I have had the unhappy experience of living in a haunted house. Actually I have lived in 11 houses during my lifetime, 3 of the 11 had what I would call "high" activity levels" and 3 had mediocre activity levels. I hope my experiences and insights can help you.

As you tour my site, I sincerely hope that you find the answers you are looking for.   I am available to help you with your individual cases if this web site doesn't provide the information you need.

In cases of "dire need" I will give my private phone number (via e-mail), upon request.

Valerie K.  

Select your need from the buttons below.   My free services are limited to spirit contact areas.

I do NOT do free readings on relationships, careers, money etc., IF you are interested in obtaining a reading in one of those areas, please click the "Reading" button only.


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