If you are one of the thousands who are experiencing the terror of living with paranormal phenomena or want to contact a loved one on the other side and need help, you have come to the right place.
I have been "sensitive" since I was a child.   My earliest recall of this ability was at age 6. Over the years I have helped literally hundreds of people to contact loved ones and performed many 'spirit release' sessions.   Additionally I am an experienced Paranormal Investigator, paying [articular attention to scientific methods of investigation and record keeping.  I would like to mention here that my degree is in Science. It might help you to know that I have had the unhappy experience of living in a haunted house. Actually I have lived in 11 houses during my lifetime, 3 of the 11 had what I would call "high" activity levels" and 3 had mediocre activity levels. I hope my experiences and insights can help you. As you tour my site, I sincerely hope that you find the answers you are looking for.   I am available to help you with your individual cases if this web site doesn't provide the information you need. In cases of "dire need" I will give my private phone number (via e-mail), upon request.
I do NOT do free readings on relationships, careers, money etc., IF you are interested in obtaining a reading in one of those areas, please click the "Reading" button only.
  I will be in the Chat Room on Sunday & Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 PM (EST)
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